The main theme of TS EN ISO 27001:2013 information security management system is to show that information security management was accomplished at İŞBİR SENTETİK DOKUMA A.Ş., to secure risk management, to meausre the process performance of information security management and to provide the relations with the third person about information security.In accordance with, the main aim of Our ISMS;
- To protect information asset of İşbir Sentetik Dokuma A.Ş. against all kind of threats which may come out by consciously or unconsciously ; or from inner or external , to provide accessibility to information as required by business process, meet legislative requirements ,
- Provide three basic continuity of ISMS in all activities carried out
Privacy : Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information
Integrity : Demonstration of the accuracy and completeness of information
Accessibility : Demonstration of the availability of information where necessary by authorized people
- To deal with the security of all data in written, printed, oral, and similar media, not just those stored in electronic media
- Ensuring awareness by giving information security management trainings to all staff
- To report the actual or suspected disclosure deficiencies in information security to the ISMS team and to ensure that they are investigated by the ISMS administrator
- Prepare, maintain and test business continuity plans
- To determine the current risks by making periodic assessments on information security. After evaluating the results ,reviewing the action plans and following up them
- To prevent any conflict and conflict of interest that may arise from the contract
- To meet the business needs for information accessibility and information systems completely.
- Committed to continuous improvement